
Random top 5 lists for your enjoyment! Everyone likes lists!

Ents, Nazgul, and Blonde Dudes, oh my! August 21, 2016

Keyhole to the Multiverse is back with a brand new episode! This week New Zealand’s own Cameron Child talks to Josh in their central Australian studio all about Tolkien. This go round they discuss some of the more prominent factions of Middle Earth, including the dreaded Nazgul, and everyones favourite the Ent’s! They also delve into some of the better horsemen and women of the realm as they break down the Rohirrim.

Visit the website today Keyhole to the Multiverse or subscribe on iTunes!



Top 5 signs that we are entering a new dark age August 17, 2013

So I may upset some readers tonight but I feel that we are truly entering into a new worldwide dark age and it is being led by America. Our beliefs are absurd, our Government is corrupt and we have no idea how we got to this high standard of living in the first place. So without further ado here are my top five signs that we are now entering a new worldwide dark age:

#5- The Arts

Lets go back in time, the renascence was made of people making beautiful art, music, paintings and ideas,… I think of Michelangelo, Beethoven, and Shakespeare. Ideas that transform and transcend the current way of thinking, what do todays youth flock to? Shit that is shoveled down their throats from modern media, shit like American Idol, Jay-Z, and all the other rinse and repeat bull that floods our modern media as “art”. Less than a year ago I attended a showing of the Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas, that was beautiful but 90% of todays youth would probably roll their eyes at, they would ask “where are the lasers? and where were the rappers” they wouldn’t know art if it was placed in front of hem on a solver platter! Now I ask name one artist today that will stand the test of time, again that same 90% couldn’t pull a name from their ass if their life depended on it. We have been gifted with so many mediums today and we waste them all on schlock that might make a buck rather than make art like say Stanley Kubrick did during his lifetime.


#4- US Worldwide Murder

We call it progress, but is that really what a drone strike is? C’mon people, wake up, the US is responsible for more deaths worldwide than AIDS, and we all hate AIDS. Terrorism kills less Americans annually than honey bees yet the Government uses that as an excuse to murder thousands of people every year. Then the US Government calls it terrorism when one of these small little countries strikes back, I call that retaliation but they call it terrorism. We have a two-party system so we can have change when we want it, yet there really is no change ever, it is a nice little quandary they have you all in and nothing will ever change as long as you keep voting republican or democrat, I mean we have been at war non stop since the 1940’s!


#3- Retail and Service

So the Government tells you that jobs are coming back, America is not unemployed, HAHAHAHA, you know what sectors are growing? In the past 15 years America has gone from a 50/50 split in Production VS Service jobs to a 90/10 split, that’s right 90% of jobs in America now are service! that means you service someone else… and you make jack shit, that’s because China is having their own little renascence and they are now producing everything you buy, while you service they rich fuckers!

#2- Big Brother

Do you relies how many rights you no longer have? The Government is taking your right to privacy, your right to bear arms, your right to free speech, your right to freedom of assembly, and more! Look around and people say well I am not doing anything wrong, so it doesn’t affect me… until it does! Your emails are being read, your browsing history is being logged and your postal mail is being documented all under the guise that this will stop terrorism, again something that kills fewer people annually than fucking honey bee’s! Oppressive Government will lead to disillusionment and that is what leads to collapse, Government needs to back off, they do not need to hold our hands, they should be a minor role in our lives otherwise why not live in Russia or China?



The world is at war, look around, the Middle East is burning, North Korea is being used by Russia and China to prod the western world and the US has so many troops deployed around the world in “Peace Keeping” efforts that always end in more turmoil than before we arrived. Look into past dark ages, what led up to them? WAR! The entire US economy is built on the war machine, and the spoils of wars, it can only last so long before it all implodes. I would be surprised if the world as we know it doesn’t undergo a drastic shift in the next twenty years. The sad thing is that most Americans are so ignorant, so complacent that they can’t even see it, as long as they get their next football game or next reality TV show, they can’t see beyond the idiot box they stare into every night.


The Dark Age is upon us, name me one scientist, name me one real musician that actually writes and performs music, name me one Artist, most Americans cannot do this…. SAD!



You want change? How about more Murder than ever before! August 14, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 10:59 am
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That’s right, you all voted for change when you voted for Obama, so here is a handy chart to show you some change clear as day, your government now kills more kids than ever before! Follow the link above for a shocking wake up call and Good for you!



Alex Jones is too funny, live on the BBC- Bilderberg June 10, 2013

Listen to ole’ Jonesy go! the funniest thing about this interview is how he constantly does the under the breath infowars.com plug! This interview was close to uncomfortable and I think it’s great how riled up Jones gets. I am also amazed at how cold the press is to any conspiracy… they act like if you think Bilderberg exists you also must think that Bigfoot is out there with nessy! Occasional conspiracies can become truth, Iran Contra and the like.


So my two cents on this “Terror” in the UK and terrorism May 26, 2013

I understand that this sucks, these two guys run over a British soldier, hack him up and then have locals film their confession so it can be aired on TV. It is a terrible thing and I do not condone that action whatsoever. On the other hand I have to believe that it is what most historians 500 years from now will view as a retaliation! Here is my line of thinking, when one group of individuals constantly attacks another group, in this case its the Western world attacking the middle east, and it has been going on for a lot longer than this silly “war” on terror, then the other side will attack back at some point. Whats the difference between this attack or even the World Trade Center attack on 9-11 and a drone strike that destroys a school full of children? Yet we call it terror when we are attacked and we call it a tactical strike when we destroy a building with 30 innocent people and 1 “terror target”. Get used to it people, it is not terrorism, it is retaliation and we brought everything upon ourselves by letting our elected officials get away with murder for so long. Look at the two pictures below and tell me which one looks more like terror? To me I say the drone unleashing missiles is a hell of a lot scarier, so before you go cry terror, look at it from outside your own little comfort zone.


droneor Terrorist?


Dirty Cop with porn-stash blasted by 12 year old kid! May 10, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 12:46 am
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Check out this video, you have the right to challenge authority! This damn cop with his porn star-stash is such a dumbass, he parks his motorcycle where it doesn’t belong to get a soda for his fat ass!! Watch as this 12-year-old calls him out for parking illegally, so what does the dirty-ass cop try to do, he asks the kid “are you loitering?” Jeremy says “no I am mailing this” We need more citizens like this! Thanks Jeremy for being a real American! Your my hero for the day!


New rules for war America! Put it to a vote! May 9, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 12:28 pm
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The war machine keeps turning, and boy is it ugly, The ball-less politicians come up with reasons we need to enter yet another pointless war and it is pissing me off! Why Iran, they havent invaded anyone in hundreds of years, yes they hate us because we took out their elected leader in 1953 to install the brutal Sha that killed tens of thousands, so what right? We need a few new rules to war. First off we bank online we can vote online, any war that the president or any other politician wants to get us into we vote for, fairly, democratically online! Second we need more leaders like George Washington, if you want a war fine but you lead the charge, then we will see how many battles we get our noses into! Third thing we need to do is stop calling retaliation terrorism, if we attack a country and they counter it’s not terrorism, it’s a counter maneuver! Next point is why are Israel and the US the only people allowed to arm themselves? Seems like that is not fair, if a county wants arms how are they any different from my redneck 2nd amendment screaming redneck buddies?


CMON people it’s a new world adapt or die! and let your politician know that if any more American blood is going to be spilt in a new war it should be their own first



Listen to Shady Ass George Bush talk about Boston May 8, 2013


What the hell, he is so careful and still gaffs! WTF are we suppose to think now, he almost said that 911 was a consipracy on national news! How come this interview isn’t being spread more!? LOL and even if there was nothiung to either he still looks like a goon!


More Proof that Christians are just ill informed and are hurting progress

George Bush put a ban on stem cell research to appease his Christian constituency. Most God lovin folk think that fetus’s are harvested so that scientist can cut stem cells from their organs in order to further their agenda, or some bullshit like that. Then Obama took the ban off of stem cell research and miracles began to happen, I’m talking human miracles, not some BS bible miracle where some dude lives in a whales belly for days on end, no A Doctor was able to give a little girl her life by using stem cells from her own body to create a new windpipe for her! Here is part of the Article:

Surgeons at Children’s Hospital of Illinois in Peoria have successfully implanted an artificial windpipe created by stem cells in a laboratory to save a child, reported The Boston Globe on May 1. Hannah Warren made history as the first child in the world to receive a lab-made windpipe created by harvested stem cells from her own body.

The two-year-old toddler from South Korea was born without a windpipe and has not been able to breathe, swallow, or consume food since birth; her surgeons now expect her to lead a normal life.

Thank Science, not thank god!


CIA gives Millions of “ghost dollars” to Afghanistan, WAKE UP PEOPLE!! April 29, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 11:11 am
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Ever wonder why the CIA needs so much of your hard earned tax dollars? Well according to Reuters here is the scoop.

Tens of millions of U.S. dollars in cash were delivered by the CIA in suitcases, backpacks and plastic shopping bags to the office of Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai for more than a decade, according to the New York Times, citing current and former advisers to the Afghan leader.

The so-called “ghost money” was meant to buy influence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) but instead fuelled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington’s exit strategy from Afghanistan, the newspaper quoted U.S. officials as saying.

“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan”, one American official said, “was the United States.”

The CIA declined to comment on the report and the U.S. State Department did not immediately comment. The New York Times did not publish any comment from Karzai or his office.

“We called it ‘ghost money’,” Khalil Roman, who served as Karzai’s chief of staff from 2002 until 2005, told the New York Times. “It came in secret and it left in secret.”

For more than a decade the cash was dropped off every month or so at the Afghan president’s office, the newspaper said.

Handing out cash has been standard procedure for the CIA in Afghanistan since the start of the war.

The cash payments to the president’s office do not appear to be subject to oversight and restrictions placed on official American aid to the country or the CIA’s formal assistance programs, like financing Afghan intelligence agencies, and do not appear to violate U.S. laws, said the New York Times.

There was no evidence that Karzai personally received any of the money, Afghan officials told the newspaper. The cash was handled by his National Security Council, it added.

U.S. and Afghan officials familiar with the payments were quoted as saying that the main goal in providing the cash was to maintain access to Karzai and his inner circle and to guarantee the CIA’s influence at the presidential palace, which wields tremendous power in Afghanistan’s highly centralized government.

Much of the money went to warlords and politicians, many with ties to the drug trade and in some cases the Taliban, the New York Times said. U.S. and Afghan officials were quoted as saying the CIA supported the same patronage networks that U.S. diplomats and law enforcement agents struggled to dismantle, leaving the government in the grip of organized crime.

In 2010, Karzai said his office received cash in bags from Iran, but that it was a transparent form of aid that helped cover expenses at the presidential palace. He said at the time that the United States made similar payments.

The latest New York Times report said much of the Iranian cash, like the CIA money, went to pay warlords and politicians.

For most of Karzai’s 11-year reign, there has been little interest in anti-corruption in the army or police. The country’s two most powerful institutions receive billions of dollars from donors annually but struggle just to recruit and maintain a force bled by high rates of desertion.