
Random top 5 lists for your enjoyment! Everyone likes lists!

Alex Jones is too funny, live on the BBC- Bilderberg June 10, 2013

Listen to ole’ Jonesy go! the funniest thing about this interview is how he constantly does the under the breath infowars.com plug! This interview was close to uncomfortable and I think it’s great how riled up Jones gets. I am also amazed at how cold the press is to any conspiracy… they act like if you think Bilderberg exists you also must think that Bigfoot is out there with nessy! Occasional conspiracies can become truth, Iran Contra and the like.


Listen to Shady Ass George Bush talk about Boston May 8, 2013


What the hell, he is so careful and still gaffs! WTF are we suppose to think now, he almost said that 911 was a consipracy on national news! How come this interview isn’t being spread more!? LOL and even if there was nothiung to either he still looks like a goon!


Scary interviews in Boston

Now I am not a conspiracy guy, I think that 9-11 was an act of terror and I think that Oswald killed Kennedy, but here are some interviews from Boston proving that if a 19-year-old kid is wanted in your neighborhood you no longer have any rights! Scary that they were handcuffing and detaining people without reading them any rights and doing so with no cause!! Wake up people, please open your eyes and speak out against this BS or your next! There needs to be action taken against the government agents that you “control” I mean your paying their salary to treat you like this? I do not support Alex Jones, nor do I buy into most of his crap, but this is something that we all should worry about!


CIA gives Millions of “ghost dollars” to Afghanistan, WAKE UP PEOPLE!! April 29, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 11:11 am
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Ever wonder why the CIA needs so much of your hard earned tax dollars? Well according to Reuters here is the scoop.

Tens of millions of U.S. dollars in cash were delivered by the CIA in suitcases, backpacks and plastic shopping bags to the office of Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai for more than a decade, according to the New York Times, citing current and former advisers to the Afghan leader.

The so-called “ghost money” was meant to buy influence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) but instead fuelled corruption and empowered warlords, undermining Washington’s exit strategy from Afghanistan, the newspaper quoted U.S. officials as saying.

“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan”, one American official said, “was the United States.”

The CIA declined to comment on the report and the U.S. State Department did not immediately comment. The New York Times did not publish any comment from Karzai or his office.

“We called it ‘ghost money’,” Khalil Roman, who served as Karzai’s chief of staff from 2002 until 2005, told the New York Times. “It came in secret and it left in secret.”

For more than a decade the cash was dropped off every month or so at the Afghan president’s office, the newspaper said.

Handing out cash has been standard procedure for the CIA in Afghanistan since the start of the war.

The cash payments to the president’s office do not appear to be subject to oversight and restrictions placed on official American aid to the country or the CIA’s formal assistance programs, like financing Afghan intelligence agencies, and do not appear to violate U.S. laws, said the New York Times.

There was no evidence that Karzai personally received any of the money, Afghan officials told the newspaper. The cash was handled by his National Security Council, it added.

U.S. and Afghan officials familiar with the payments were quoted as saying that the main goal in providing the cash was to maintain access to Karzai and his inner circle and to guarantee the CIA’s influence at the presidential palace, which wields tremendous power in Afghanistan’s highly centralized government.

Much of the money went to warlords and politicians, many with ties to the drug trade and in some cases the Taliban, the New York Times said. U.S. and Afghan officials were quoted as saying the CIA supported the same patronage networks that U.S. diplomats and law enforcement agents struggled to dismantle, leaving the government in the grip of organized crime.

In 2010, Karzai said his office received cash in bags from Iran, but that it was a transparent form of aid that helped cover expenses at the presidential palace. He said at the time that the United States made similar payments.

The latest New York Times report said much of the Iranian cash, like the CIA money, went to pay warlords and politicians.

For most of Karzai’s 11-year reign, there has been little interest in anti-corruption in the army or police. The country’s two most powerful institutions receive billions of dollars from donors annually but struggle just to recruit and maintain a force bled by high rates of desertion.


From Boston To Cali, the Gov’t Militia are out in force April 26, 2013

Read the following link, less than a week after Military style police forces swept through nieghborhoods in Boston forcing innocent people at gunpoint from their homes, the Government has now focused in on Oakland. Look at these guys, they look like an army or dare I say a well organized militia conducting raids on people in California in order to remove guns from homes! Careful what you wish for, you might just get it!




One more reason to hate Fox News April 25, 2013

I cannot stand any of the major “news” outlets in America, they are all corporations, with a bottom line to make money, they have become sitcoms, groping for ratings! They aim to entertain more than they aim to get you real news, this is a shame because over 90% of Americans look to only 3 sources for their news, which means roughly 30% of Americans turn to Fox news for this type of rubbish, good luck sheeple because according to Fox, we don’t need no stinkin Constitution!


America is a Modern day Rome, and we are burning April 23, 2013

Here is my thought for the day, America has become similar to Rome, we are spreading ourselves far to thin. We have been in an endless war since WW2, we have had the war on drugs, the war on terror, not to mention all the other international wars. Then after a war, we set up military bases in all these locations, we have bases in 160+ countries. This is where my Rome comparison comes in we have spread ourselves so thin and spend exponential amount of funds overseas when one in four American children don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.

Another point is why do we need bases in so many locations? We have zero foreign bases in the states, imagine if South Korea, or Saudi Arabia bought a few thousand acres of American soil to set up forces here at home. You think that would fly? You think the locals say in Texas, wouldn’t mind if the Saudi’s set up a military force outside of Houston? So imagine what all the locals think in those 160 locations that we have military bases. I have been living in Alice Springs, Australia for the past 6 months and there is a large US military base here, the locals can’t stand it, and this is in Australia, a sworn Ally!

Why do we have to be the world police? Why are we not focusing on our own problems which grow daily? I understand that we have foreign interests that have to be protected, but that is our own damn fault and what caused this issue in the first place. Rome spread too far and too thin, eventually it couldn’t control all of its interests and it crumbled, rather fast, the US is heading that way my friends. I am going for my Australian Citizenship and I am so happy to live in a Country that has money to feed its people. The Minimum wage here is $13 to $17 per hour depending on where you live, every single citizen has health care, teachers start at 60k per year, every item I buy at the grocery store is made or grown in Australia! I am done with America for now, you better open your eyes, or you feel the heat, just like Rome as it burned.

“The role of Government is to protect our liberties” Ron Paul

Here is a solution



Conspiracy Theory breakdown – Silly nutters! April 22, 2013

Neil deGrasse Tyson said it best, “If an argument lasts longer than 5 minutes, your both wrong” and it is so true. Conspiracy theorists are nothing more than people with an idea and insufficient data to back them up. I like conspiracy theories, not because I believe in them, but they are entertainment for me. Like watching a fiction movie, its interesting to see what some people can make up in their own minds. I find it funny that every conspiracy, from UFO’s, to the JFK assassination, to 9-11, to the Boston Bombing last week, “theorists” are all over these putting forth their ideas, yet nobody can prove anything, you know how I know they cannot prove any of these ideas, because if they could, they would have evidence, and it would be the accepted fact in society. I like how Theorists are always so confident in their ideas, they always say “open your eyes” without having one shred of actual evidence. Some things are just so astonishing that these people just cannot believe that they occur.

Whats even more confounding is once proof is given to disprove a conspiracy, such as mythbusters on the moon hoax, or the numerous debunking exercises done on UFO’s and the JFK assassination, these people still ignore the science, they run with their “theories” that have no solid backing. Boston last week is a great example, yes there were men in matching outfits, with earpieces in, you think it’s the first time that a large event such as the Boston Marathon had private security firms hired to add protection?

False Flags are a great idea that most conspiracy nuts always turn to, in fact they are the top reason used to explain every attack on our country in history according to conspirasists. The problem is this; never has any false flag been proved true in American History! Not even the Reichstag fire was proven to be a false flag. Now I am not saying that governments and others haven’t used major events to turn the majority to their side to execute their agenda, that happens for sure, but to say that the Government does these things only to further agendas, and having absolutely no proof of it is just hilarious!

UFO crash landing is the most absurd theory out there, your telling me that these creatures that mastered intergalatic travel and traversed billions of light years to reach Earth, crashed as soon as they got here? Think about that folk… you think that really happened? PLEASE!

The bottom line is this: come back when you have proof, not a theory, not a secondhand account, but proof!


Wait Wait WAIT!!! Something ain’t right here April 18, 2013

Filed under: Conspiracy Theories — cowboyography @ 11:39 pm
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So This guy here in the white hat:



Thats our suspect? Does that look like a 30+ pound backpack to you, filled with a pressure cooker and ballbearings, and nails? Just casually slung over one shoulder? Do you know what a 30+ pound backpack feels like? HMMMMM?


I wouldn’t call this Boston Strong, more like Boston Thieves

Check out all these people stealing from the Marathon, just minutes after the bombs went off people went into “How can I benefit from this” mode! Absolutely disgusting! Good for all of you and I hope your all arrested!