
Random top 5 lists for your enjoyment! Everyone likes lists!

Bali 9 – Bottom line is they had to be killed…. April 28, 2015

Filed under: Australia — cowboyography @ 9:42 pm
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After ten years of appeals and many months of political posturing, the Indonesian government has finally executed Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. As an American living in Australia I do feel sympathy for these men and their families, more for the families… as the drug dealers got themselves into this. Yes I still call them drug dealers as that is what they are.

Many people see two men here that are worth saving, but what would have happened if that Heroine had made it to the Australian main land as they had planned? what if that Heroine had killed your sister, or your son? Would you wish death upon the person that gave them those drugs? I would.

You see, I have no sympathy for Chan and Sukumaran, they lost a bet, they took a deal with the devil and the wager was their life versus millions of dollars. Straight up they lost that bet, so I feel no more sadness for them personally than I do a degenerate gambler losing his hard earned money. Had they succeeded in their mission do you think they would have cared the damage the drugs would cause on society? They would have felt no more remorse than the gambler who walks away from the casino after tripling his money…

Now I do not think the punishment fits the crime, I think death is a bit much for drug smugglers, the Indonesian Government however thinks it is the proper punishment and “When in Rome”. They new the penalty and they still took the risk, so now they are paying the price that they knew was clearly marked on drug smuggling in that country.

The last reason I feel that their deaths were needed was this is the rule, the law and who the hell is the Australian government or any other foreign country to tell people what to do on their own soil? You go to Germany you live by their laws, same in Australia, and same in Indonesia. It’s like saying a man from Bali goes to Australia and gets arrested for soliciting a prostitute, but his argument is that in his country there is no penalty for such actions so he shouldn’t be in trouble… Sounds absurd but that is exactly what is happening.

RIP gentlemen and let this be a lesson, the Bali Governement doesn’t mess around, you have drugs there you will be killed and they are not going to bend or break.


Why the Royal Rumble has lost its luster January 18, 2015


I am a huge wrestling fan. I am a fan of nearly everything 80’s and with that comes Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Andre The Giant and all the other fantastic wrestlers of that era. One of the best WWF pay-per-views of the late 80’s and early 90’s was a Pat Patterson creation known as the Royal Rumble. The rumble was an event where we would see belts change hands, hero’s rise from the rubble, and new rivalries were born. The mystique of the rumble was that anyone can win this thing and it could catapult someone to the top, if you don’t believe me look at the first two rumbles.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan won the first ever rumble back in 88, this was a 20 man match that followed the classic formula where every two minutes another participant entered the ring and wrestlers were eliminated when they were thrown over the top rope. Hacksaw was a mid-card guy at best, more often than not he was really just a jobber to the heel stars, often losing to the likes of Ted Debiase, The Giant and even Haku. So to have Duggan win the rumble really set the stage that anyone can win this thing and that made the event really something to look forward to.

The following year the event was expanded to 30 men and the event made its pay-per-view debut. The event this year featured even bigger names such as Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Ted Dibiase and Macho Man Randy Savage, but the man who emerged victorious was another guy nobody expected to win. When all was said and done Big John Studd threw Ted Dibiase over the top rope and had his hand raised in victory. Not to take anything away from John Studd but he was not that big at the time and had been out of wrestling completely for many years. Yet the WWF felt confident in giving the win to someone who was not on the top-tier of the company pantheon.

The reason the Rumble worked so well was perfectly exemplified in these first two years of the event, anyone can win this match, that is the draw, that is what puts an ass in every 18 inches. This is what also leads me to my point, the WWE Royal Rumble is nearly upon us yet again, and yet again 30 participants will rumble and only one man will stand victorious. The difference is that everyone in the world knows that one of only two, maybe three wrestlers will win the match. The problem is not the participants but rather the prize. Having the winner of the Royal Rumble headline Wrestlemania pigeonholes the Rumble into a very predictable match.

Last year it was almost inevitable that Dave Batista was going to win the rumble, we all figured that was the direction the match was heading in, so much so that I didn’t even watch the match. Why would I want to watch an hour long wrestling match where the outcome is all but guaranteed. It makes no sense to have such a huge match featuring 30 of the top names in the sport when everyone knows the winner this year will be either Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns. If I had to give a prediction they will be the last two men remaining as that is the only way the WWE can create any drama in this match at all.

The bottom line is that the Royal Rumble is not broken and is easily salvageable. My suggestion is that they reward the winner of the Royal Rumble match with a title shot of their choice at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. This way they could let anyone win the Rumble without interference in the main event of Mania and this could also set up new feuds as the winner could challenge for the Intercontinental, or the  US Title. If this were the case you could easily see guys like Harper, Ziggler, or Ambrose having a chance to win the rumble and get the career boost they need.

Also check out my new podcast, AMERICA VS AUSTRALIA for a complete breakdown of which country got what right and what they got wrong.

Look for more wrestling articles soon and thanks for reading!


GMO’s explained so even a first grader can understand May 18, 2013

Filed under: America — cowboyography @ 8:57 am
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So with all the buzz about GMO’s and how they are bad many folks miss the message because they do not understand what the problem is. Here is a great video that every person in the world should watch, this is a great tool to show people just how bad a lot of the food out there is. Also this explains how and why it is allowed via Government legislation, just more proof that your government officials care more about their future than about the people they represent. You can do one simple thing to protest this, DO NOT BUY PRODUCTS THAT ARE GMO!!


Guns and abortions are a mere distraction and you have taken the bait! May 15, 2013


Like any clever magician the Federal Government has you all distracted, you’re so worried about gun rights and abortions that you all fail to see the bigger picture. The Federal Reserve, a private run company is bankrupting the United States, and meanwhile you all toil away your time worrying if they are going to pass a bill to take away your guns?! Open your eyes people your dollar had declined in value so much over the past ten years that most of you cannot even vacation overseas anymore because the exchange rate would kill you! Five years ago you could go to Australia and for every 60 cents you had you would get an Aussie Dollar, now it cost you $1.05 to get an Aussie dollar, that is what you need to be concerned about! The government wants you to focus on non issues like the second amendment and abortion laws, you think they really give a damn wether or not you have an abortion or own a gun? As long as you pay half your check to them they do not, I promise. People need to focus on the real issues at hand:

First Wars all over the world since the 1940’s? – Do we really need to be at constant war?


Second The federal reserve prints money daily and devalues everything you own by the minute!


Third Republicans = Democrats and until you figure out that they are just opposite sides of an equally worthless coin you are F’ed in the A.


Fourth the Government will not save you, you are supposed to be in control of them, they work for you, you are not supposed to be a slave to them and until more than a few stand up and realize this there will never be change.


America – The home of the blind May 5, 2013


Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death’s construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds

That was written in 1970 to try to awaken people to what America represented, here we are over forty years later and the War Machine is now the only thing that keeps our economy afloat. People need to wake up and vote for something beyond Democrat and Republican- it’s your fault people that we are still under the rule of the Federal Reserve Bank, because that’s your god now! Your currency is only worth the oil that it is traded for and Syria, Iraq, Lybia were all trying to trade oil under a different forms of currency, and the US cannot have that or the Dollar would collapse completely. But now China and Russia have some power and when they start to trade on currency outside the US Dollar, which has already begun, your currency that is backed by nothing, will be worth that- NOTHING!! America better wake up and start to relize how F’ed in the A they are. I have moved, I am proud to live in Australia and I will not be returning to the US anytime soon, though I do hold citizenship in both countries. I am earning Australian Dollars, and we have a new trade agreement with China that supports the Aussie Dollar. In the past ten years the Aussie Dollar went from where .60 cents in American would by you $1 Aussie, now the Aussie Dollar is worth $1.05 American Dollars, it has almost doubled, but thats not the correct way to look at it, the American Dollar is collapsing, so the Aussie dollar hasn’t doubled so much as the American dollar has become worth half what it was ten years ago! WAKE UP FOLKS- you and your war machine are in trouble!


America is a Modern day Rome, and we are burning April 23, 2013

Here is my thought for the day, America has become similar to Rome, we are spreading ourselves far to thin. We have been in an endless war since WW2, we have had the war on drugs, the war on terror, not to mention all the other international wars. Then after a war, we set up military bases in all these locations, we have bases in 160+ countries. This is where my Rome comparison comes in we have spread ourselves so thin and spend exponential amount of funds overseas when one in four American children don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.

Another point is why do we need bases in so many locations? We have zero foreign bases in the states, imagine if South Korea, or Saudi Arabia bought a few thousand acres of American soil to set up forces here at home. You think that would fly? You think the locals say in Texas, wouldn’t mind if the Saudi’s set up a military force outside of Houston? So imagine what all the locals think in those 160 locations that we have military bases. I have been living in Alice Springs, Australia for the past 6 months and there is a large US military base here, the locals can’t stand it, and this is in Australia, a sworn Ally!

Why do we have to be the world police? Why are we not focusing on our own problems which grow daily? I understand that we have foreign interests that have to be protected, but that is our own damn fault and what caused this issue in the first place. Rome spread too far and too thin, eventually it couldn’t control all of its interests and it crumbled, rather fast, the US is heading that way my friends. I am going for my Australian Citizenship and I am so happy to live in a Country that has money to feed its people. The Minimum wage here is $13 to $17 per hour depending on where you live, every single citizen has health care, teachers start at 60k per year, every item I buy at the grocery store is made or grown in Australia! I am done with America for now, you better open your eyes, or you feel the heat, just like Rome as it burned.

“The role of Government is to protect our liberties” Ron Paul

Here is a solution
